Political scientist (UPF), with postgraduate studies in gender equality in the public sphere (UIB) and in development cooperation studies (UAB). Experience of more than fifteen years weaving networks and alliances between civil society and public administrations for the defense of human rights and the promotion of global citizenship, with gender equality as one of its fundamental pillars.
He is a consultant and head of Coop4equality in the Balearic Islands.
He has developed his professional experience in organizations such as CIDOB in Barcelona, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Fundación Ayuda en Acción, as current head of this entity in the Balearic Islands. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Coordinadora de ONGD de las Islas Baleares (CONGDIB) for more than 10 years and lecturer in Universitat de les Illes Balears trainings on development cooperation.
Main milestones achieved:
– Evaluation of the first equality plans of municipalities in Mallorca for the Consell de Mallorca.
– Advising on the first External Action Plan of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
– Achievement of the first AECID Convenio for Ayuda en Acción in Ethiopia and accompaniment in the opening of a national program in the country.
– Contributions to the Master Plans for Development Cooperation of the Balearic Islands.
– Production of the report “Un dia a les noticies. La representació de les dones i els homes als mitjans de comunicació de les Illes Balears” (A day in the news. The representation of women and men in the media of the Balearic Islands).
– Managed 20 international cooperation programs and projects worth more than 3MM euros, all of them fulfilling their expected objectives and results.
– Design and implementation of educational and social projects to promote women’s rights in the Balearic Islands.
– Organization of international congresses and edition of publications and academic articles.